To constitute appropriate rules and regulations for maintaining discipline in the AACET college campus. The governing body of the college has approved this code of conduct for implementation.


AACET is established to provide top quality technical education, through high quality classroom instruction, attention to critical thinking skills, thoughtful application of relevant technology, strict adherence to the principles of academic honesty. This enables them to become responsible citizens of the country who can make substantial contributions to the society. The code of conduct is established to foster and protect the mission of the college. 

  1. Students should attend the class on time every working day. Students who come 15 minutes late will not be awarded attendance for that hour. 
  2. Silence shall be maintained in all academic premises of the college. 
  3. Ragging is totally banned in the institute campus. Anti-ragging declaration to be” submitted by the student and parent at the beginning of  every academic year. 
  4. Anyone found guilty of ragging and/ or abetting ragging is liable to be punished as per the directive of the university. The culprits will be suspended from the college and a case will be filed with the local police authorities. 
  5. Possession and consumption of narcotic drugs, tobacco, alcohol and other intoxicating substances are strictly prohibited in the campus and hostel 
  6. Students shall not deface, disfigure, damage or destroy or cause any loss in any manner to the college properties. 
  7. Every student shall wear the identity card whenever he/she is in the institute premises and present it for inspection on demand. 
  8. No student shall enter or leave the classroom when the session is on, without the permission of the teacher.
  9. Students shall not indulge in any undesirable activity and shall maintain the highest standard of discipline. 
  10. Students are not permitted to undertake any educational tours or industrial visits without the prior approval and permission of the Principal. All Educational tours or industrial visits shall be accompanied by the faculty members after obtaining necessary undertaking from the Parents / Guardian of the students’ 
  11. Students are expected to spend their free time in the Library. They shall not loiter along the verandahs or crowd in front of the offices or the campus roads. Students should refrain from sitting on places such as parapets, stairs etc
  12. Students are strongly discouraged from coming to the college in their own vehicle
  13. Unauthorized entry of outsiders into the campus as wet as holsters is strictly prohibited’ without corresponding permission from the authorities
  14. Students shall compulsorily wear the prescribed college uniform. Parents are to see that their wards come in proper uniform. 
  15. Students shall only use the waste bins for dispensing waste materials within the campus including classrooms, hostels and offices. 
  16. Students should keep their classroom tidy. They should switch off lights and fans when not used.
  1. The Staff should get the course plan and course file – approved by HOD and Principal. The course file should be maintained as per the prescribed format.
  2. The Faculty Member must strive to prepare himself/herself academically to meet all the challenges and requirements in the methodology of teaching so that the input may be useful for the student community at large.
  3. The staff should get the feedback from students and act / adjust the teaching appropriately.
  4. The staff should interact with the senior advisor and inform him / her about the habitual absenteeism, slow learner student, objectionable behavior etc.
  5. Every Faculty Member should maintain the course diary.
  6. The staff should engage the class for the full 55 minutes allotted and should not leave the class early.
  7. The staff should make use of “information Communication Technology (lCT)” for effective delivery.
  8. The staff should encourage students asking doubts / questions.
  9. The Faculty Member should report to the college at least 10 minutes before the commencement of college timing.
  10. The Faculty member should be present in the college during the whole working hour and should not leave early without the permission by the Principal.
  11. Whenever a Faculty Member intends to take leave, the Faculty Member should get the leave sanctioned in advance and with proper alternate arrangements made for class I lab / invigilation. In case of emergency, the HOD or the next senior faculty must be informed with appropriate alternate arrangements suggested.
  12. The Faculty member should have the knowledge of the mission and vision of the college.
  13. The Faculty member should conform to the rules and regulations of the college and perform his / her duty diligently.
  14. Once the subject is allotted the staff should prepare lecture wise course plans.


  1. Accountant should report to the Principal regarding the finances of the establishment. 
  2. Accountants should assess accuracy, completeness, and conformance to reporting and procedural standards. 
  3. Accountants should provide all the necessary account statements and documents for various committees of the institute as at when required. 
  4. Account should provide all the necessary account statements for the yearly account audits.


  1. Ensure the eligibility of the students and prepare related document to submit to Admission supervisory Committee within time limit
  2. Confidential reports and other documents should be part of the personal file of that employee and should be kept confidential by staff members working with this department. 
  3. Staff should take additional responsibilities if required as assigned by Principal 
  4. Attendance register should be properly updated. ACCOUNTANT 
  5. Accountants should prepare, examine, and analyze accounting records, financial statements, and other financial reports.
  6. Accountant should prepare accounts, taxes and tax returns, ensuring compliance with payment, reporting and other tax requirements
  7. Accountants should establish tables of accounts, and assign entries to proper accounts.


  1. The Head of the Department should encourage Faculty Members to update their knowledge by attending seminars/workshops/conferences. 
  2. The Head of the Department should encourage Faculty Members to publish textbooks, research papers in reputed International / Indian Journals / Conferences/MoU 
  3. The Head of the Department should arrange for feedback responses from the students, and the parents on quality-related department processes 
  4. The Head of the Department should write a confidential report for all staff members of his/her department and submit it to the Principal. 
  5. The workload (teaching and departmental) of all the staff should be fixed by the Head of the department. 
  6. The Head of the Department should be responsible for academic planning and academic audit of the department and implementation of academic policies approved by the Principal. 
  7. The subjects should be allotted by the HOD after taking into account the Faculty Member’s interests/choices. 
  8. The Head of the Department should arrange the weekly meetings of the department staff to overview the progress of academic, administrative work and departmental activities.

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